Camp Shelly at Lake Tahoe Rules

Check-in begins at 2:00 p.m. Check-out time is noon on the day of your departure.
Food Storage
All food and ice chests must be stored in your campsite's food locker. No food should be left outside unattended at any time. Help us keep our wildlife wild by not feeding them.
Wood and Fires
Firewood may be purchased at most Tahoe supermarkets including the Raley's at the Highway 50/Highway 89 junction. Dead wood and kindling lying on the ground may be collected and burned. Smokey Bear asks that you keep campfires safe. Extinguish fires with water (not dirt) before going to bed or leaving camp. Do not throw trash or food debris in fire pit.
Smokey Bear says, "Be careful with cigarettes and matches!" Please be sure all cigarettes are extinguished and clean up cigarette butts and other litter.
Dogs must be leashed while in the campground. Pets may not be left unattended. Store pet food in your locker at night and when you leave camp. Owners are responsible for cleaning up pet waste.
Please park in the designated slot for your site only. Ask the rangers about where to park if you are unsure. Overflow parking may be available near the campground entrance.
Quiet Hours
Please respect the campground quiet hours from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. If you play music at any time of the day, keep the volume low enough that it will not be heard in other sites. Recharging of batteries by generators must be finished by 7:00 p.m.
Dishes should be washed in a basin at your campsite. Do not wash or scrape them at the hose bib or sinks as it attracts animals and yellow jackets. Use biodegradable soap if possible and disperse the wash water at the edge of camp.