LARPD Foundation Mission
To improve the quality of life throughout the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District through advocacy, collaboration, and financial assistance, primarily focused on providing recreation opportunities for the underserved and enhancing parks and open space.
Foundation Membership
- Annual Membership Fee: $100
Pay by Credit Card / Paypal
If paying via PayPal, debit or credit card:
- Enter $100 in the amount field
- In the notes section please include your name, address phone number, email address and indicate that your $100 is for your membership.
We will mail you your membership card.
Pay by Check
If paying by check:
- Please fill out the form
- Print it out
- Make out the check to: LARPD Foundation
- Mail the form and the check to:
LARPD Foundation
P. O. Box 3403
Livermore, CA 94551
Why Become A Member?
It's Good For The Community
- Support parents with quality, affordable care for kids.
- Support healthy kids and promote a connection to nature with science programs
- Support senior engagement through meals, programs, trips, and classes
- Support youth local sports for all ages
- Support Ranger programs to encourage lifelong environmental education
- Provide opportunities for socialization, recreation, and enjoyment of open space
It's Good For The You!
- Sycamore Grove Park parking pass.
- 4 free passes to Open Recreation Swim at the Robert Livermore Aquatics Center or May Nissen Swim Center.
- Free Member-Only special events and park tours.
3rd Annual Wine Down in the Grove Fundraiser
Thank you to all who attended and donated! This event raised over $40,000 to support the Livermore community!

2023-24 Annual Report:
At the LARPD Board Meeting held on Wednesday, October 30, LARPD Foundation President Connie Campbell presented the Annual Report highlighting the Foundation’s accomplishments over the last year. It has been a positive year of growth in fundraising and community impact.
2023-24 LARPD Foundation Annual Report.pdfLARPD Foundation Community Impact:
The LARPD Foundation has funded countless projects including over $30,000 annually towards the community support scholarship program, environmental education, senior programs, communication boards at playgrounds, upgrades to the Robertson Park Disc Golf Course and much more!

- Community Support Program: The LARPD Foundation funds the Community Support Program annually with over $30,000 funding over 300 individuals to participate in summer camps, swim lessons, classes, and programs.
- Added Communication Boards at 10 Livermore Playgrounds: LARPD Foundation partnered with Rotary Club of Livermore and LARPD to install ten communication boards throughout Livermore to facilitate a more inclusive, dynamic play environment.
- Binoculars and UV Flashlights: Helps enhance enviromental education programs in the community.
- Senior Holiday Luncheon: Financially support the Annual Senior Holiday Luncheon to keep prices affordable for seniors while providing a classy, high-quality experience.
- Disc Golf Upgrades: Ten tee signs and baskets were replaced at the Robertson Park Disc Golf Course.
- Community Magic Show: Funded community magic show to make it accessible for participants, providing a fun and engaging show with a message of inclusion.
- Transportation from Livermore Library to Sycamore Grove: LARPD Foundation provided transportation for families throughout Livermore to travel to Sycamore Grove Park for a special ranger and library collaboration. 110 people attended the event.
- Owl Boxes at Sycamore Grove Park: Purchased material to replace and repair 5 owl boxes at Sycamore Grove Park that will be built and installed by volunteers.
- Two Snake Terreria: These habitats will be home to LARPD's two snake ambassadors and will be used for countless programs, including science camp, school programs, weekend ranger programs and more!
- 10 Stereo Microscopes: These microscopes will serve thousands of kids in the community, enhancing the open space environmental education programs, allowing the students and residents to learn about the natural world using visual aids.
- Science Camp Pop-up Tents: Purchased pop-up tents for the Open Space Science camp to continue through the rainy season and provide shade for summer programs.
- ESS Air Purifiers: Purchased 22 Air Purifiers for ESS Classrooms to help keep students and staff safe through the cold months.
- Bike Repair Station at Sunken Gardens Skate Park: Partnered with Superfly Wheels Bike Shop, LARPD, and the Livermore Bike Park Facebook Group to install a new Bike Repair Station at Sunken Gardens Skate Park.
- Virtual Programming Equipment: Awarded grant from East Bay Community Energy to fund equipment to enhance virtual programming during COVID-19 and beyond with microphones, lighting, tri-pods, and more. See some of the work at the LARPD Youtube Channel.
- Bird and Tracking Guides: Funded Birds of Sycamore Grove and tracking Field Guides for environmental education.
- Sycamore Grove Trail Map: Funded Sycamore Grove Trail Maps
- Memorial Bench, Tree, and Picnic Table Program: Facilitated 44 memorial benches (since 1998) and 66 memorial trees (since 1991) throughout our Livermore Area parks and open space with several more trees, benches, and picnic tables, preparing for installation.
We are thankful for your continued support!
How To Support the Foundation
There are multiple ways to support the LARPD Foundation and the work we do in our community.
The Foundation actively seeks donations and volunteers to help support recreation programs and services throughout the District.
Your generous donation is a meaningful investment and has an everlasting positive impact on our community.
Mailed Donations:
Financial donations are made payable to LARPD Foundation and may be mailed to:
LARPD Foundation
P.O. Box 3403
Livermore, California
Vehicle Donations are a unique and impactful giving option that helps the LARPD Foundation support our mission. Your unwanted car, truck, boat, motorcycle, SUV or even plane can be accepted as a donation. Your generosity qualifies for a tax deduction and we’ll do all the heavy lifting. The pick-up is free and we’ll schedule it during a time that’s convenient for you.
Call 855-500-RIDE (7433) now or click the button below to donate your car.
“I would like to thank LARPD for all the programs they offer especially to the Latino community. My son and daughter are very happy for the classes they have been taking. These classes help them be more independent. Thank you, I really appreciate everything you are doing.”
“Quiero agrudecer a LARPD por los programas que nos ofrecen y en especial a la comunidad Latina. Mi hijo esta muy contento por las clases que ha tomado y mi hija tambien, les ha hecho mucho bien porgue se hacer mus independientes. Muchas grucias por todo se los agradezco de Coruzon.”
-Malinalli, Community Support Program Parent
“My family is grateful for the LARPD program. This help was very useful because it helped pay for programs for my children and to qualify at a low cost. Because in this country, we have a lot of bills to pay, and with this program, our children have more opportunities to participate in the programs in our community. The truth is it is not only useful for me; it’s useful for many families.”
"Mi familia esta agredicida por el programa LARPD fue muy util esta ayuda por que ayuda a pagar programas. A mis hijos y poder calificar para estas becas a bajo costo por que la verdad Si ayuda a uno por que este pais tiene uno muchos billes que pagar y has: nuestros hijos tienen mas oportunidad de buscar mas actividades en nuestra comunidad y pues la verdad no nada mas a mi es utili sino a muchas familias mas."
-Josefina, Community Support Program Parent
"Mi familia esta agredicida por el programa LARPD fue muy util esta ayuda por que ayuda a pagar programas. A mis hijos y poder calificar para estas becas a bajo costo por que la verdad Si ayuda a uno por que este pais tiene uno muchos billes que pagar y has: nuestros hijos tienen mas oportunidad de buscar mas actividades en nuestra comunidad y pues la verdad no nada mas a mi es utili sino a muchas familias mas."
-Josefina, Community Support Program Parent