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Contact Us

Get in touch here, and we will route your inquiry to the right person. Or scroll down for department and staff contact information. We look forward to hearing from you!

Call us at:

925-373-5700 | HOURS: M-Th 8:30a-6p, F: 8:30a-5p

Our address is:

4444 East Ave, Livermore CA 94550


Or use the form below to send a message:

Contact Information by Department and Program:

General Questions 

For general questions about programs, facility hours, classes, camps, parking passes, or registrations, email or call (925) 373-5700. 


For questions about aquatics programs, swim lessons, lap swim, or pool rentals, please email or call 925-373-5750.

CIP Projects/ RFPs 

For general questions about CIP projects or Requests For Proposals, email

Facility Rentals 

For information about facility rentals at Ravenswood Historic Site, Cresta Blanca Ballroom, Robert Livermore Community Center, please email

Finance and Accounting 

For questions about the District’s budget, annual audit, property and parcel taxes, financial systems, or employment opportunities in the Finance organization, please call (925) 373-5716 or email

For questions regarding accounts payable, please email or call 925-373-5783.

Human Resources 

For questions about Job Opportunities, Volunteer Opportunities, Salary, or Benefits email or call 925-373-5705.

Parks and Open Space 

LARPD oversees open space areas of Sycamore Grove, Holdener Park, Brushy Peak and dozens of neighborhood and community parks. To report a concern at a park please email If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

To reach a ranger, please call the Ranger office at (925) 960-2400

We also offer ranger-led programs, camps, classes, and field trips. To learn more, please email

50+ Programs and Services 

LARPD's Senior Services Division offers services, resources, referrals, social activities, live and learn presentations, fitness classes, and trips. Please email or call (925) 373-5760.

Sports Programs and Rentals 

For questions about youth and adult sports, field and gym rentals, or camps and classes please select the appropriate contact email below or email

Volunteer Program 

For questions about becoming a volunteer, current volunteer opportunities, or group volunteer events, please email or call 925-373-5700.

Youth Services: ESS and Preschool 

Youth services provide continuity of enriching developmentally appropriate experiences for children beginning in our preschool programs and continuing to our School Age Child Development programs  - ESS. Email or call (925) 960-2480.