Garaventa Wetlands Preserve
Vasco and Garaventa Ranch Rd.

At first glance this 21.4 acre area may not seem impressive. However, the densely packed shrubs, seasonal wetlands, and alkaline soil make this a special place. Not every plant can survive in these conditions, but this unique seasonal wetland supports unusual plant and animal life that deserves special protection.
This wetland preserve is currently closed to the public, but you can take a walk on the nearby Altamont Creek Trail located south of the preserve and look for burrowing owls, northern harriers, loggerhead shrikes, red-winged blackbirds and western meadowlarks. As the water pools dry up, circles of wildflowers make a brief but stunning appearance.
The site was named for the Garaventa family in 1996 at their request from the developer of the surrounding land. Domingo Garaventa came to this country in the 1890s and purchased the first of three parcels north of what later became Interstate 580. The family farmed wheat, barley, and oats on the land until the 1940s, at which point they relocated. His grandson Alwin sold the land in 1995. The preserve is currently owned and maintained by LARPD.