Partner Organization Volunteer Opportunities
Usher needed:
Please check here for general information about the program:
Volunteer Sign Up:
The VAST program (Volunteers Assisting Seniors in Transportation) is organized by CityServe of the Tri-Valley and provides rides in the Tri-Valley area. As a volunteer you can pick and choose the days to volunteer.
Caring Visitors for Seniors volunteers are paired with a senior for socialization activities such as puzzles, walks , or having a caring conversation.
Please contact CityServe at (925) 222 - 2273 opt 1 or email .
Healthy volunteers who are available to help deliver meals to home-bound seniors are needed. If you are interested in volunteering to help keep seniors safe, email OR call Carrie Oldes at 925-483-1989
We have several shifts that need to be filled beginning the week of 10/11. We are asking volunteers to commit to at least one day a week for the whole month. We currently have more than one volunteer position open for each of the days listed. Please email Marcy Braidman at if you are available to cover one of these shifts or if you know someone who may be interested.
All volunteers must be 18 or older.