Calling all wildlife photographers! Have you captured a picture in one of our open spaces worth sharing?
We are collecting photo submissions for our next "Picture This" contest at Sycamore Grove Park (SGP)!
Send your pictures to for a chance to be featured at the Wetmore Entrance at SGP. Please include your name so we can properly credit you.
(Please note: The submitter agrees to allow LARPD to use their submitted photos in media and publications. )
The next theme is "Winter in Sycamore Grove!"
Frosty mornings, rainy afternoons, short days: Winter is in full swing! Send us your favorite photos taken durring these chilly months for a chance to be spotlighted on the photo board! Winter birds, frozen puddles, shivering coyotes.. Show us what winter in Sycamore Grove looks like to you!
Please submit photo entries before March 28th to be considered.

Karen Parkinson - Earthstar Species

Karen Parkinson - Yellow Fieldcap

Christine Cardosi - Purple Fuzz Mold

Eric Whiteside - Boletus Species

Christine Cardosi - Jack-O-Lantern Species

Mari Prieto Conaway - Shelf Mushroom Species

Kinnon Ernst - Honey Mushroom Species

Shelly Danner - Bobcat Kitten

Connie Davis - Coyote

Ken Zahora - Sunrise

Kinnon Ernst - Bobcat

Mari Conaway - Red-Tailed Hawk

Bill Conaway - Barn Owl

Kinnon Ernst - White-Breasted Nuthatch
Late Summer Color Theme Winners

Mari Conaway - Acorn Woodpecker

Bill Conaway - Great Horned Owl Suneset

Mari Conaway - Rainbow!

Bill Conaway - Western Bluebird

Karen Parkinson - Tarweed

Kinnon Ernst - Wood Duck

California Quail - Shelley Danner

Great Horned Owl stretch - Mari Prieto Conaway

Anna's Hummingbird - Lisa Tarte

Bobcat Pouncing - Bill Conaway

Bobcat and Wood Ducks - Lisa Tarte

River Otter - Bill Conaway

credit: Mary Prieto - Purple Owls Clover

credit: Christine Cardosi - Paintbrush

credit: Bill Conaway - Flowergarden

credit: Shelly Danner - Blue dick wildflower

credit: Eric Whiteside - Buckeye
April '24 Winners - Macro theme

credit: Kinnon Ernst - Mourning Cloak Butterfly

credit: Bill Conaway - Hoverfly sampling almond blossom

credit: Eric Whiteside - Crab Spider Mules Ear

credit: Bil Conaway - Downy Feather

credit: Bil Conaway - Silvery Blue Butterfly

credit: Eric Whiteside - mushroom
Feb '24 Winners - Birds theme
credit: Kinnon Ernst - Acorn
credit: Bill Conaway - Kingbird

credit: Sue Griffin - Cedar Waxwing

credit: Shelley Danner - Great Blue Heron

credit: Bill Conaway - Acorn

credit: Karen Parkinson -Red Tail Hawk

credit: Sue Griffin - Nuttall's Woodpecker Pair Chatting
Dec '23 - Sunset and Sunrise theme
credit: Daryl Carlson -sunrise
credit: Gloria Fulford

credit: Emily Muniz

credit: Ken Zahora

credit; Eric Whiteside
credit: Stan Griffin
Oct '23 Winners - Coyote theme

credit: Shelley Danner

credit: Kinnon Ernst

credit: Sue Griffin

credit: Irina Mitine

credit: Daryl Carlson

credit: Bill Conaway

credit: Marie Prieto Conaway

credit: Joe Galkowski