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Senior Mystery Movie Review: Ferrari (1/10/24)

Twenty people attended the Mystery Movie on Wed, 1/10 to see the movie Ferrari at the Vine Cinema.  It was a full house!  We then enjoyed a lively conversation over appetizers and drinks at Zephyr Grill and Bar.

May contain: groupshot, person, accessories, bag, handbag, clothing, footwear, shoe, adult, female, woman, coat, glasses, and hat


May contain: advertisement, poster, adult, male, man, person, female, woman, car, transportation, vehicle, accessories, sunglasses, face, and head

The film follows the life of Enzo Ferrari, the man behind the legendary automobile company, and was based on the biographical novel Enzo Ferrari: The Man, the Cars, the Races, the Machine. From his humble beginnings as a racecar driver to his unwavering determination in building an empire, the story masterfully chronicles his journey fraught with challenges and triumphs. The movie not only touches upon Enzo’s unparalleled passion for cars but also delves into his personal life, allowing viewers to gain a deeper understanding of the automotive genius.

Mystery Movie Group Review:

We gave this movie a 4.5-star rating.   We received an intense personal view into Enzo Ferrari as he tried to balance his life after becoming estranged from his wife and business partner, Laura, after the tragic loss of their son several years prior.  All the while, running his car manufacturing business and living a completely different life with his mistress, Lina, and their son.  Although Enzo was portrayed as a cutthroat businessman through most of the movie, we experienced moments of a loving and caring father to both of his sons. 

The producer did an incredible job of lacing in car racing scenes that made you feel like you were in the midst, while keeping the story focused on Enzos' struggles to keep his business alive and making very risky and personal deals to do so.  We enjoyed talking about the dynamics of this Italian family and the dangers of the Mille Millia car race during those times.

It's not too late to join us at the next Mystery Movie and Review at the Vine Cinema on Wednesday, 2/7! 🎬  REGISTER