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LARPD Adaptive Recreation 

A panoramic view of a park with trees, grass, and a clear sky.

What is Adaptive Recreation?

Adaptive recreation focuses on customizing recreation programs and activities to accommodate individuals of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). This approach ensures that everyone, regardless of ability, can engage in recreational activities that foster social interactions, promote health and fitness, support emotional well-being, and enhance overall quality of life.

Principles of Adaptive Recreation

Adaptive recreation is built upon the principle that every individual deserves equal access to recreational opportunities. By adapting programs and events, we aim to create inclusive spaces where individuals with IDD and their caretakers can participate comfortably and enjoyably.

Benefits of Adaptive Recreation

Adaptive recreation utilizes evidence-based practices from recreational therapy to maximize the benefits of recreational activities for people with IDD. These specialized programs are designed to cater to the unique needs of participants, enhancing the positive outcomes derived from engaging in recreational pursuits.

Creating Inclusive Communities

Adaptive recreation plays a crucial role in fostering inclusive communities where individuals of all abilities can actively participate and contribute. By promoting accessibility and diversity in recreational settings, adaptive recreation contributes to building a more equitable and supportive society.

To learn more about  LARPD Adaptive Recreation programs, email Makenna Nation at or call 925-373-5731