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Livermore PD Tip of the Month: Safeguarding property while on vacation 

Protect Your Home During Summer Vacation with These Crime Prevention Tips (June 2024)

Text "HELLO SUMMER" over a sandy beach with crystal clear turquoise water in the background.

Livermore, CA – As the summer vacation season approaches, it's essential to ensure your home and belongings remain secure while you are away.  Livermore Police Department has compiled a list of crucial tips to help residents safeguard their properties during their absence.

Secure Your Home

Double-check that all doors and windows are locked. For an extra layer of protection, consider investing in a home security system.

Hold Your Mail

Pause mail delivery or ask a neighbor to collect your mail to prevent a buildup that indicates your absence. Avoid scheduling package deliveries while on vacation; have them sent to a trusted friend, family member, or neighbor.

Use Light Timers

Set timers for your lights to create the illusion that someone is home.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

Inform a trusted neighbor about your travel plans so they can monitor your property and alert you if anything seems suspicious.

Avoid Social Media Posts

 Resist the urge to post vacation photos and updates on social media until you return to avoid alerting potential burglars that your home is unoccupied.

Remove Spare Keys

Bring any hidden spare keys inside, as burglars are familiar with common hiding spots.

Vehicle Safety

 If leaving your car behind, park it in a garage or a well-lit area and ensure it is locked.

Sign Up for Vacation Watch with Livermore PD

The Livermore Police Department offers a vacation home check service. Volunteers will inspect your property and notify you if anything seems amiss. Learn more about this program here.

Follow these tips to ensure a worry-free vacation. If you notice any unusual activity in your neighborhood while others are away, contact the Livermore Police Department at 925-371-4987 or call 911 in an emergency.

Enjoy your summer vacation with peace of mind!

If you have questions about this month's tip, please contact the Livermore Police Department at 925-373-4900. 

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